Wednesday, 2 January 2008

The E in Email

When I got assigned to a recent internal project I was quite excited at first. A chance at working on something advertising not a client but the agency iteself, wow, "that's going to be even higher quality" I thought. I realised my mistake within hours.

After 3 weeks of hell I had learned the worst possible client is the company you work for. And of course the worst person working for that client is the account handler. Suffice to say 100 million copy changes later the suggestion that part of the terms and conditions for this flash game should be that an internet connection is required to play the game.

An Online Flash Game.

With an Email Distribution Medium.

The wonder that is the brain of the account handler never ceases to amaze me.

1 comment:

Kyle said...

Port it to SilverLight.

Then you can add Dual-Core processor as a requirement aswell. You should be able to just finish it by next Christmas. ;P