Tuesday 5 February 2008

Buzzword Bonanza

We all have are own little survival methods and this is one of my favourites. Every now and then my department have to join in with the rest of the company for a 'status report'.

By 'status report' I mean an hour and a half of so called managers trying to look clever in front of their respective bosses (it's a big food chain).

On the last couple of occasions deciphering what people are talking about was a serious challenge and just about staved off the sleep inducing effects of the talk. After conversing with my collegues we formed an amusing idea to help ease the nausea.

Buzzword Bonanza was created!

The rules are simple, we take a bunch of the latest buzzwords, put them into a hat and each person draws one out. During the meeting you keep a tally of how many times your word is used and the winner is the person with the highest score.

Yesterday was the first round; the winner was 'blogsphere' closely followed by 'web 2.0'

Tune in soon for another round of 'Buzzword Bonanza'... Same bat-time, same bat-channel..

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